Do you know where you’ll be moving to and what your address will be after leaving the Army? YesNo If yes, please provide your address How long have you served in the Lancers? Less than 4 years4 to 6 years7 to 12 years13 to 22 yearsOver 22 yearsPrefer not to say What form of transport do you use to travel around: I driveI take public transportOtherPrefer not to say How would you prefer to communicate with your Buddy? (tick all that apply) EmailPhoneWhatsAppFacebook MessengerZoom video callFace-to-faceAll the above What are your personal interests/hobbies? (tick all that apply) ExercisingSocialisingGamingReadingTravellingWalking/HikingMotorbike ridingTaking part in sportWatching sportEating outCinemaTaking classes/courses What is the main reason you are looking for a Buddy? To talk about transitioning out of the ArmyTo find out what there is to do in the areaTo make social connectionsTo find out about work opportunities in the area What sector will you be (or are interested in) working in? SalesConstructionHospitalityEngineeringRetailSecurityIT/TechnologyDriving (e.g. lorries, buses, taxis, trains etc)Professional Services/ConsultancyPublic SectorPrefer not to say