OCA Battlefield Tour Mons
OCA Battlefield Tour Mons HHQ RL 0115 957 3195 admin@theroyalancers.org
OCA Battlefield Tour Mons HHQ RL 0115 957 3195 admin@theroyalancers.org
(TBC) Canterbury Cathedral Memorial Service and Reunion Lunch HHQ RL 0115 957 3195 admin@theroyalancers.org
STOKE BRANCH DINNER SATURDAY 27th OCTOBER 2018 Due to unforeseen circumstances the Stoke Branch OCA Dinner venue has changed. This year’s dinner will now...
RL OCA parade at NMA and buffet at TRBL Alrewas HHQ RL 0115 957 3195 admin@theroyalancers.org
Field of Remembrance Westminster Abbey and lunch at Civil Service Club Ticket only event HHQ RL 0115 957 3195 admin@theroyalancers.org Applications by 1 Oct...
RL OCA March at the Cenotaph – London Ticket only event HHQ RL 0115 957 3195 admin@theroyalancers.org Applications by 1 Sep 17
East Midlands Branch (Fondouk Troop) Balaclava Dinner, Nottingham Gary Bagnall 0115 968 0199 garybagnall@btinternet.com
1200 Tank Museum – Kuwait Arena Mounted and dismounted parade, including vehicles from 1939 to the present Open to all members of the Royal...